Have any supplements been studied for UTIs?

    Last Updated: October 25, 2023

    A number of supplements have been studied for the prevention and treatment of UTIs. More high quality studies are needed to determine if these supplements really work. Commonly used supplements include vitamin C (to acidify the urine), cranberry, D-mannose, probiotics, and uva ursi.[1][2][3]


    1. ^Bono MJ, Leslie SW, Reygaert WCUrinary Tract InfectionStatPearls.(2022-06)
    2. ^Ching CBNon-antibiotic Approaches to Preventing Pediatric UTIs: a Role for D-Mannose, Cranberry, and Probiotics?Curr Urol Rep.(2022-Jun)
    3. ^Kaußner Y, Röver C, Heinz J, Hummers E, Debray TPA, Hay AD, Heytens S, Vik I, Little P, Moore M, Stuart B, Wagenlehner F, Kronenberg A, Ferry S, Monsen T, Lindbæk M, Friede T, Gágyor IReducing antibiotic use in uncomplicated urinary tract infections in adult women: a systematic review and individual participant data meta-analysis.Clin Microbiol Infect.(2022-Jul-02)