Are there any other treatments for varicose veins?

    Last Updated: October 25, 2023

    There is data to support the effectiveness of a variety of exercise programs in improving both the function of varicose veins and overall quality of life. Exercise improves endothelial function and circulation in people with varicose veins, even when physical activity levels are initially low and exercise capacity is reduced.[1] Indeed, structured exercise training improves calf muscle pump function in people with varicose veins (chronic venous insufficiency).[2] Balneotherapy and aquatic exercise also improve quality of life, pain, edema, and functional parameters (i.e., venous function) among varicose vein patients.[3][4] For post-surgical varicose vein patients, treadmill exercise improves microvascular endothelial function,[5][6] although therapeutic exercise (i.e., stretching, ankle-strengthening exercises, foot and ankle flexion/extension) may not improve quality of life in this population.[7]

    Because overweight and obesity are associated with an elevated risk for varicose veins, people with these conditions may experience a reduction in symptoms with weight loss.[8][9][10][11] However, there are no studies directly investigating the effect of weight loss on quality of life, symptoms, or functional measures among people with varicose veins. Avoiding prolonged standing and reducing cardiovascular disease risk factors, such as high blood pressure, may also reduce varicose vein symptoms.[12]


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    2. ^Lyndsay Orr, Kathleen A Klement, Laura McCrossin, Deirdre O'Sullivan Drombolis, Pamela E Houghton, Sandi Spaulding, Shauna BurkeA Systematic Review and Meta-analysis of Exercise Intervention for the Treatment of Calf Muscle Pump Impairment in Individuals with Chronic Venous InsufficiencyOstomy Wound Manage.(2017 Aug)
    3. ^Mancini S, Piccinetti A, Nappi G, Mancini S, Caniato A, Coccheri SClinical, functional and quality of life changes after balneokinesis with sulphurous water in patients with varicose veins.Vasa.(2003-Feb)
    4. ^Bissacco D, Mosti G, D'Oria M, Lomazzi C, Casana R, Morrison N, Caggiati ARationale and current evidence of aquatic exercise therapy in venous disease: A narrative review.Vascular.(2022-May-19)
    5. ^Klonizakis M, Tew G, Michaels J, Saxton JImpaired microvascular endothelial function is restored by acute lower-limb exercise in post-surgical varicose vein patients.Microvasc Res.(2009-Mar)
    6. ^M Klonizakis, G Tew, J Michaels, J SaxtonExercise training improves cutaneous microvascular endothelial function in post-surgical varicose vein patientsMicrovasc Res.(2009 Jun)
    7. ^da Silva JL, Lima AG, Diniz NR, Leite JCEffectiveness of therapeutic exercises for improving the quality of life of patients with chronic venous insufficiency: a systematic review.J Vasc Bras.(2021-Jun-16)
    8. ^Sisto T, Reunanen A, Laurikka J, Impivaara O, Heliövaara M, Knekt P, Aromaa APrevalence and risk factors of varicose veins in lower extremities: mini-Finland health survey.Eur J Surg.(1995-Jun)
    9. ^Brand FN, Dannenberg AL, Abbott RD, Kannel WBThe epidemiology of varicose veins: the Framingham Study.Am J Prev Med.(1988)
    10. ^Iannuzzi A, Panico S, Ciardullo AV, Bellati C, Cioffi V, Iannuzzo G, Celentano E, Berrino F, Rubba PVaricose veins of the lower limbs and venous capacitance in postmenopausal women: relationship with obesity.J Vasc Surg.(2002-Nov)
    11. ^Eri Fukaya, Alyssa M Flores, Daniel Lindholm, Stefan Gustafsson, Daniela Zanetti, Erik Ingelsson, Nicholas J LeeperClinical and Genetic Determinants of Varicose VeinsCirculation.(2018 Dec 18)
    12. ^Heller JA, Evans NSVaricose veins.Vasc Med.(2015-Feb)