Does weight loss help with varicose veins?

    Last Updated: October 25, 2023

    Elevated BMI increases the risk for varicose veins.[1] Women (especially postmenopausal women) with overweight or obesity are more likely to develop varicose veins,[2] but less consistent associations are observed in men, suggesting that pregnancy may be a confounding factor. Nonetheless, there’s some evidence that the prevalence of obesity is higher in people with varicose veins/chronic venous disease, but the direction of this relationship (i.e., whether the obesity or varicose veins appeared first) is not established.[3]

    Despite the association between BMI and varicose veins, there are no studies investigating the effect of weight loss per se on the presence, symptoms, or development of varicose veins.


    1. ^Yuan S, Bruzelius M, Damrauer SM, Larsson SCCardiometabolic, Lifestyle, and Nutritional Factors in Relation to Varicose Veins: A Mendelian Randomization Study.J Am Heart Assoc.(2021-Nov-02)
    2. ^Iannuzzi A, Panico S, Ciardullo AV, Bellati C, Cioffi V, Iannuzzo G, Celentano E, Berrino F, Rubba PVaricose veins of the lower limbs and venous capacitance in postmenopausal women: relationship with obesity.J Vasc Surg.(2002-Nov)
    3. ^Jennifer L Beebe-Dimmer, John R Pfeifer, Jennifer S Engle, David SchottenfeldThe epidemiology of chronic venous insufficiency and varicose veinsAnn Epidemiol.(2005 Mar)