How do genetics affect the risk for varicose veins?

    Last Updated: October 25, 2023

    Epidemiological studies suggest that a family history of varicose veins is a risk factor for developing the condition, but the specific genes that are responsible for the disease have yet to be identified. Genome-wide association studies indicate that heritability may account for around 28% of the variance in a person’s susceptibility to varicose veins; genes that are involved in height, vascular development and integrity, blood pressure, limb development, and skeletal abnormalities are associated with the condition.[1]


    1. ^Eri Fukaya, Alyssa M Flores, Daniel Lindholm, Stefan Gustafsson, Daniela Zanetti, Erik Ingelsson, Nicholas J LeeperClinical and Genetic Determinants of Varicose VeinsCirculation.(2018 Dec 18)