What are the main signs and symptoms of varicose veins?

    Last Updated: October 25, 2023

    While the appearance of varicose veins can be cosmetically concerning, they rarely cause serious complications and may even be asymptomatic. When symptoms do occur, the most common are aching, tightness, burning, itching, tingling, throbbing, tenderness, and swelling in the legs. These symptoms are often worse at the end of the day, especially after prolonged sitting or standing, and may resolve with leg elevation. Restlessness, heaviness in the legs, and nocturnal leg cramps are also symptoms of varicose veins. Less common but more serious complications can include vein infections and blood clots.[1][2]


    1. ^Heller JA, Evans NSVaricose veins.Vasc Med.(2015-Feb)
    2. ^Allen HamdanManagement of varicose veins and venous insufficiencyJAMA.(2012 Dec 26)