How could diet affect warts?

    Last Updated: October 25, 2023

    Research on the impact of diet on warts is scarce. However, one area in which the effect of diet on the clearance of HPV infections has been studied is in the context of cervical cancer, which is caused by HPV. One observational study found an association between HPV resolution and higher total intake of whole fruits, seafood and plant protein.[1] While more research is needed, it is reasonable to assume that dietary habits with known positive effects on the immune system, such as high intake of fruits and vegetables,[2] could help either minimize the risk of getting warts or promote their clearance.


    1. ^Naresh A, Hagensee M, Myers L, Cameron JAssociation of Diet Quality and Dietary Components with Clinical Resolution of HPV.Nutr Cancer.(2021)
    2. ^Childs CE, Calder PC, Miles EADiet and Immune Function.Nutrients.(2019-Aug-16)