Low-Glycemic-Index Diet

    Last Updated: October 13, 2024

    A low-glycemic-index diet is a diet characterized by the consumption of low-glycemic-index foods, which are foods known to minimize large fluctuations in postprandial blood glucose levels.

    Low-Glycemic-Index Diet is most often used for Diabetes & Blood Sugar. The Examine Database covers Gestational Diabetes.

    1,061 participants in trials and 1 meta-analysis

    Examine Database: Low-Glycemic-Index Diet

    Research FeedRead all studies

    Examine Database References

    1. Blood glucose - Jones D, Kyriakidou A, Cooper L, Atta N, Tobolska P, Smith S, Turner E, Petry C, Gillies C, Meek CLThe effect of high-fibre diets on glycaemic control in women with diabetes in pregnancy: A systematic review and meta-analysis.Diabet Med.(2024 Oct 29)