Does exercise exacerbate anxiety symptoms, such as increased heart rate?

    Last Updated: January 6, 2025

    Yes, many symptoms of anxiety can be exacerbated during exercise and slightly afterward. However, the effects are temporary[1] and will usually subside. Moreover, awareness of the physical signs of anxiety may actually decrease[2] after settling into an exercise routine, which could mitigate distress in people with anxiety.


    1. ^Bibeau WS, Moore JB, Mitchell NG, Vargas-Tonsing T, Bartholomew JBEffects of acute resistance training of different intensities and rest periods on anxiety and affectJ Strength Cond Res.(2010 Aug)
    2. ^Broman-Fulks JJ, Berman ME, Rabian BA, Webster MJEffects of aerobic exercise on anxiety sensitivityBehav Res Ther.(2004 Feb)