Have any supplements been studied for aerobic exercise performance?

    Last Updated: October 25, 2023

    Among the supplements and ergogenic aids showing the most promise for improving aerobic exercise performance are caffeine, supplemental carbohydrates, creatine (creatine monohydrate), nitrate (e.g., beetroot juice), beta-alanine, and sodium bicarbonate.[1] Other supplements with less robust evidence to support their efficacy are citrulline, glycerol, quercetin, taurine, arginine, and medium-chain triglycerides (MCTs).[2]


    1. ^Burke LM, Castell LM, Casa DJ, Close GL, Costa RJS, Desbrow B, Halson SL, Lis DM, Melin AK, Peeling P, Saunders PU, Slater GJ, Sygo J, Witard OC, Bermon S, Stellingwerff TInternational Association of Athletics Federations Consensus Statement 2019: Nutrition for Athletics.Int J Sport Nutr Exerc Metab.(2019-Mar-01)
    2. ^Kerksick CM, Wilborn CD, Roberts MD, Smith-Ryan A, Kleiner SM, Jäger R, Collins R, Cooke M, Davis JN, Galvan E, Greenwood M, Lowery LM, Wildman R, Antonio J, Kreider RBISSN exercise & sports nutrition review update: research & recommendationsJ Int Soc Sports Nutr.(2018 Aug 1)