How do I calculate my metabolism?

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While there are different ways of calculating your resting metabolic rate, studies seem to show that the Mifflin-St Jeor equation is closest to accurate.[1][2][3]

Please note that even using the Mifflin equation, the calculation was off by more than 10% in almost a quarter of subjects.[3]

1.^Skouroliakou M, Giannopoulou I, Kostara C, Vasilopoulou MComparison of predictive equations for resting metabolic rate in obese psychiatric patients taking olanzapineNutrition.(2009 Feb)
2.^Dobratz JR, Sibley SD, Beckman TR, Valentine BJ, Kellogg TA, Ikramuddin S, Earthman CPPredicting energy expenditure in extremely obese womenJPEN J Parenter Enteral Nutr.(2007 May-Jun)
3.^Frankenfield DC, Rowe WA, Smith JS, Cooney RNValidation of several established equations for resting metabolic rate in obese and nonobese peopleJ Am Diet Assoc.(2003 Sep)