How is aerobic exercise performance measured?

    Last Updated: October 13, 2024

    Aerobic exercise performance is measured by how long it takes someone to complete an event of a specific distance (i.e., a “time trial”), with a faster time indicating better performance.

    Other measures of aerobic fitness that may predict aerobic exercise performance include aerobic capacity, lactate threshold, and exercise efficiency/economy (i.e., the oxygen cost of movement). Aerobic capacity, or VO2max, is the highest rate of oxygen consumption that the body can achieve. VO2max is the most commonly measured component of aerobic fitness and is a key predictor of aerobic exercise performance — elite endurance athletes have VO2max values 50%–100% higher than non-elite active people.[1] VO2max, lactate threshold, and exercise efficiency are all measured, or estimated, using specific exercise testing protocols.