What potentially bioactive ingredients does maca have?

    Last Updated: October 13, 2024

    Potentially bioactive ingredients that are unique to maca include macaridine, macaenes (fatty acids), macamides, and maca alkaloids. Maca contains glucosinolates, such as glucoalyssin, glucosinalbin, glucobrassicanapin, glucobrassicin, glucoaubrietin and benzyl glucosinolate. Maca also contains sterols, such as beta-sitosterol, campesterol, and stigmasterol. The amounts of these ingredients vary between different growers, different colors, and different batches of maca. Although mechanisms of action are largely unknown, some theorize that these ingredients may play a role in maca’s purported effects on fertility (reproductive health), sexual drive, hormonal balance, and immune function.[1][2]