Which other factors affect muscle strength?

    Last Updated: October 25, 2023

    Differences in muscle strength between individuals seem to be mostly explained by differences in muscle mass,[1][2][3][4][5] which is supported by the mechanistic rationale that a larger muscle has greater force-generating capacity.[6] Other contributors to muscle strength include neural factors,[7] such as the threshold at which motor units are recruited and the motor unit discharge rate, and genetics.[8] Additionally, simply practicing the test used to examine strength (e.g., a back squat 1-repetition maximum) can promote increases in strength.[9][10]


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    2. ^Ferrari L, Colosio AL, Teso M, Pogliaghi SPerformance and Anthropometrics of Classic Powerlifters: Which Characteristics Matter?J Strength Cond Res.(2022-Apr-01)
    3. ^Brechue WF, Abe TThe role of FFM accumulation and skeletal muscle architecture in powerlifting performance.Eur J Appl Physiol.(2002-Feb)
    4. ^Blazevich AJ, Coleman DR, Horne S, Cannavan DAnatomical predictors of maximum isometric and concentric knee extensor moment.Eur J Appl Physiol.(2009-Apr)
    5. ^Siahkouhian and HedayatnejaCorrelations of Anthropometric and Body Composition Variables with the Performance of Young Elite WeightliftersJournal of Human Kinetics.(2009-01)
    6. ^Taber CB, Vigotsky A, Nuckols G, Haun CTExercise-Induced Myofibrillar Hypertrophy is a Contributory Cause of Gains in Muscle StrengthSports Med.(2019 Jul)
    7. ^Suchomel TJ, Nimphius S, Bellon CR, Stone MHThe Importance of Muscular Strength: Training Considerations.Sports Med.(2018-Apr)
    8. ^Appel M, Zentgraf K, Krüger K, Alack KEffects of Genetic Variation on Endurance Performance, Muscle Strength, and Injury Susceptibility in Sports: A Systematic Review.Front Physiol.(2021)
    9. ^Mattocks KT, Buckner SL, Jessee MB, Dankel SJ, Mouser JG, Loenneke JPPracticing the Test Produces Strength Equivalent to Higher Volume Training.Med Sci Sports Exerc.(2017-Sep)
    10. ^Dankel SJ, Counts BR, Barnett BE, Buckner SL, Abe T, Loenneke JPMuscle adaptations following 21 consecutive days of strength test familiarization compared with traditional training.Muscle Nerve.(2017-Aug)