What are garlic’s main drawbacks?

    Last Updated: October 25, 2023

    Garlic consumption can cause “garlic breath” and body odor, which are typically most pronounced after eating raw garlic.[1] These side effects are also frequent-reported “adverse events” in clinical trials.[1][2][3] Some supplement formulations (e.g., aged garlic extract) are designed to minimize such odors.[4][5]

    In rare cases, garlic may cause an allergic reaction.[1]


    1. ^Borrelli F, Capasso R, Izzo AAGarlic (Allium sativum L.): adverse effects and drug interactions in humans.Mol Nutr Food Res.(2007-Nov)
    2. ^Stevinson C, Pittler MH, Ernst EGarlic for treating hypercholesterolemia. A meta-analysis of randomized clinical trialsAnn Intern Med.(2000 Sep 19)
    3. ^Josling PPreventing the common cold with a garlic supplement: a double-blind, placebo-controlled surveyAdv Ther.(2001 Jul-Aug)
    4. ^Ana L Colín-González, Ricardo A Santana, Carlos A Silva-Islas, Maria E Chánez-Cárdenas, Abel Santamaría, Perla D MaldonadoThe antioxidant mechanisms underlying the aged garlic extract- and S-allylcysteine-induced protectionOxid Med Cell Longev.(2012)
    5. ^Amagase H, Petesch BL, Matsuura H, Kasuga S, Itakura YIntake of garlic and its bioactive components.J Nutr.(2001-Mar)