Examine Database: Sumac
Research FeedRead all studies
Sumac may improve markers of cardiometabolic health
Does sumac improve body composition or health biomarkers in adults with obesity and NAFLD?
Sumac may improve cardiometabolic parameters in adults with metabolic disorders
Sumac may have lipid-lowering properties
Examine Database References
- Weight - Mohit M, Nejati M, Hejazi N, Modaresi SThe efficacy of sumac (Rhus coriaria L.) powder supplementation in biochemical and anthropometric measurements in overweight or obese patients with non-alcoholic fatty liver disease: A double-blind randomized controlled trial.Avicenna J Phytomed.(2024 May-Jun)
- Blood glucose - Taheri S, Sohrabi Z, Bahari H, Mirmohammadali SN, Hashempur MH, Golafrouz H, Haghighat N, Asbaghi OٍEffects of Sumac Consumption on Blood Pressure, Glycemic Indices, and Body Composition in Adults: A GRADE-assessed Systematic Review and Dose-response Meta-analysis.Diabetes Metab Syndr.(2024 Sep)