1-Repetition Maximum

    A 1-repetition maximum (1RM) is the largest amount of weight that can be moved using proper technique for any given strength-training exercise and is a common metric to assess strength in particular movements.


    The 1-repetition max is a reliable test for measuring strength.[1] The 1RM is used by a wide variety of people who perform strength training and rehabilitation to assess strength in particular movements. It allows people to personalize and optimize their training programs and gives them a metric they can use to track their improvements.

    Weightlifters have two methods for measuring the 1RM:

    Estimation Using a Submaximal Lift

    A person moves a selected weight for as many repetitions as possible until they can no longer move the weight with proper technique. With a weight and number of repetitions recorded, a 1RM formula is used to estimate the one-repetition max.[2]

    Direct Test of 1RM A person selects a weight they believe they can lift for only one repetition with proper technique. If this is successful, they can rest and attempt a slightly heavier weight until they reach a weight they can no longer lift properly. The last successful lift is their 1RM.


    1. ^Jozo Grgic, Bruno Lazinica, Brad J Schoenfeld, Zeljko PedisicTest-Retest Reliability of the One-Repetition Maximum (1RM) Strength Assessment: a Systematic ReviewSports Med Open.(2020 Jul 17)
    2. ^The Accuracy of Prediction Equations for Estimating 1-RM Performance in the Bench Press, Squat, and DeadliftThe Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research.(1997-11-30)