Cytochrome P450 Induction

    CYP induction is an increase in the activity level of a CYP enzyme due to the presence of an inducer — a compound (e.g., medication, supplement, or other substance) that can increase the number of available CYP enzymes. CYP induction can result in increased drug metabolism, leading to drug interactions that may impact treatment outcomes and side effect risk.


    Cytochrome P450 (CYP) induction occurs when a compound (e.g., medication, supplement, or other substance) increases the activity level of a type of CYP enzyme. This compound would be considered an inducer. CYP induction can lead to pharmacokinetic drug interactions, ultimately causing increased drug metabolism which may alter the efficacy and safety of a medication or supplement.[1] Interestingly, not all CYP enzymes are considered inducible, including CYP2D6 and CYP2J2.[2]

    Unlike CYP inhibition, which occurs due to direct interactions between an inhibitor and a CYP enzyme, CYP induction primarily occurs because the inducer causes the body to make more copies of the CYP enzyme, which translates to an increased rate of drug metabolism.


    1. ^Zhao M, Ma J, Li M, Zhang Y, Jiang B, Zhao X, Huai C, Shen L, Zhang N, He L, Qin SCytochrome P450 Enzymes and Drug Metabolism in Humans.Int J Mol Sci.(2021-Nov-26)
    2. ^Zanger UM, Schwab MCytochrome P450 enzymes in drug metabolism: regulation of gene expression, enzyme activities, and impact of genetic variation.Pharmacol Ther.(2013-Apr)
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