How to Use ExamineAI

    ExamineAI is a large language model (LLM) using retrieval-augmented generation (RAG) to base its answers on evidence-based Examine materials, each piece of which has been triple-checked by our internal and external reviewers. ExamineAI will not retrieve information external to Examine.

    Examine is unique. We accept no sponsors, sell no ads, contractually mandate zero conflicts of interest in our team, and have no AI-generated content. We rely entirely on our team of human experts to write and synthesize and contextualize the latest research. ExamineAI is used only to help our users search the more than 25 million words of published content on

    Tips for using ExamineAI

    • Always follow and check the sources provided with answers! LLMs can make mistakes.
    • Get specific. The RAG process retrieves relevant information from Examine’s materials and asks the LLM to write an answer based on it. The more specific you can make your question, the better the answers will be:
      • "Tell me some benefits of ashwagandha for women, including effects on stress reduction. What are some precautions I should be aware of?"
      • “Has bergamot been studied for pain?”
    • Ask ExamineAI to show info in a specific format:
      • “Show me a table of recommended doses for ashwagandha.”
      • “Show me a list of bergamot oil’s benefits.”
      • “Make a table with the caffeine content of beverages.”
      • “Give me step-by-step instructions on how to use ashwagandha for hair loss.”
      • “What are the relative benefits of tea and coffee? Answer in paragraph format.”
    • Set restrictions:
      • Show longer or shorter answers
        • “How does lavender help relaxation? Give me a short answer.”
        • “What are the benefits of tea? Use 100 words or less.”
      • Set inclusions / exclusions
        • “How does lavender work? Don’t include any of the receptor stuff. I just want the basics.”
    • Search for a study with specific keywords:
      • “Do you have any Study Summaries about intermittent fasting and cardiovascular health?”
      • “List some studies about intermittent fasting and cardiovascular health.”

    • Ask for specific information and double-check ExamineAI’s summaries of long content:
      • When LLMs summarize long documents, they can sometimes highlight the wrong points and/or leave out important information.
      • If an ExamineAI answer points to a study summary or Supplement Guide, always follow up by reading the human-written study summary or guide.
    • Be aware that ExamineAI’s answers aren’t necessarily exhaustive:
      • “List the study summaries on pain” will list SOME of the Study Summaries on pain. (If you want to see ALL the Study Summaries on pain, go to the Research Feed on our Pain page and click “Read all studies”.)
    • It’s okay to be playful! ExamineAI can riff off of our evidence-based materials:
      • “Write a dialogue between coffee and tea.”
    • Ask for references:
      • “Make a table comparing the benefits and drawbacks of coffee and tea. Include citations in every cell for the information in that cell.”
    • Avoid leading questions:
      • LLMs may interpret leading questions as a request to make a case for that question.
      • Instead of asking “Explain why coffee is better for you than tea”, ask “What are the relative benefits of tea and coffee?”

    Why doesn’t ExamineAI have an answer to my question?

    ExamineAI only provides answers based on thoroughly researched and verified content. If you do not receive an answer, it means the topic either hasn’t been extensively studied, lacks strong evidence to support a reliable response, or the relevant study hasn’t been analyzed by our team yet.

    At Examine, we prioritize evidence-based information, and so we have implemented strict boundaries for ExamineAI in order to minimize AI hallucinations, which is when AI generates unreliable content by filling in gaps, even if the information isn’t accurate.

    If you’d like to suggest a topic for future research, please don’t hesitate to contact us.

    ExamineAI can make mistakes

    No AI is perfect. That’s why ExamineAI is the only part of Examine where you’ll encounter the use of AI. Everything we publish is meticulously crafted by our team of expert researchers, with zero generative AI involved.

    ExamineAI is designed strictly as a way to help you quickly and easily navigate the vast ocean of information available on Examine. Please refer to the linked references included with each response to ensure accuracy.

    Even though it isn’t perfect, ExamineAI can improve with your feedback. Please tap “Yes” or “No” after each answer to help it learn.

    If you have any questions, email us at and we’ll be happy to help.

    Otherwise, try ExamineAI!