How does bergamot oil work?

    Last Updated: July 23, 2024

    An animal study has found that bergamot essential oil (BEO) calmed HPA axis activity.[1] While its mechanism of action is not completely understood, BEO may increase the extracellular (outside of the cell) concentrations of some amino-acid neurotransmitters; another animal study found that rats who’d been systemically administered BEO had higher extracellular concentrations of aspartate, glycine and taurine in their hippocampi.[1][2]

    Further, some of the specific components of BEO have demonstrated positive properties in isolation. BEO contains linalool (6–15%) and linalyl acetate (23–35%).[3] Linalyl acetate, which is also found in lavender essential oil, has been shown to promote vascular smooth muscle relaxation in animals.[4][5] Linalool has demonstrated anticancer, antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, antianxiety, antidepressant, and analgesic properties in vitro.

    The 5-methoxypsoralen present in cold-pressed BEO may increase plasma melatonin concentrations; melatonin regulates the sleep/wake cycle, which could contribute to the effects of BEO on sleep quality.[4]


    1. ^Ni CH, Hou WH, Kao CC, Chang ML, Yu LF, Wu CC, Chen CThe anxiolytic effect of aromatherapy on patients awaiting ambulatory surgery: a randomized controlled trial.Evid Based Complement Alternat Med.(2013)
    2. ^Bagetta G, Morrone LA, Rombolà L, Amantea D, Russo R, Berliocchi L, Sakurada S, Sakurada T, Rotiroti D, Corasaniti MTNeuropharmacology of the essential oil of bergamot.Fitoterapia.(2010 Sep)
    3. ^Calapai, G. et alAssessment report on Citrus bergamia Risso et Poiteau, aetheroleum. European Union: European Medicines Agency Committee on Herbal Medicinal Products (HMPC).(2012)
    4. ^Mei-Ling Chen, Yueh-Er Chen, Hui-Fang LeeThe Effect of Bergamot Essential Oil Aromatherapy on Improving Depressive Mood and Sleep Quality in Postpartum Women: A Randomized Controlled TrialJ Nurs Res.(2021 Oct 22)
    5. ^Koto R, Imamura M, Watanabe C, Obayashi S, Shiraishi M, Sasaki Y, Azuma HLinalyl acetate as a major ingredient of lavender essential oil relaxes the rabbit vascular smooth muscle through dephosphorylation of myosin light chain.J Cardiovasc Pharmacol.(2006 Jul)