What are molecular hydrogen’s main benefits?

    Last Updated: May 8, 2024

    Research suggests that molecular hydrogen has antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and cell-protective properties. These effects may benefit various conditions, particularly those associated with high levels of oxidative stress, but current research is too limited to draw any meaningful conclusions.

    One of the most long-standing, albeit niche, uses of molecular hydrogen is for deep-sea diving. Adding hydrogen gas to the breathing mixture as a substitute for nitrogen is one method for reducing the side effects of nitrogen gas in high-pressure environments. This isn’t through any drug-like effects of hydrogen, though; it’s simply because it’s replacing nitrogen gas so that less nitrogen can dissolve into the blood during a dive.[1][2]

    Preliminary research also points to potential benefits in metabolic syndrome, nonalcoholic fatty liver disease, recovery following a heart attack or cardiac arrest, rheumatoid arthritis, cancer, exercise capacity, and some respiratory conditions.[3][4][5]


    1. ^BJURSTEDT H, SEVERIN GThe prevention of decompression sickness and nitrogen narcosis by the use of hydrogen as a substitute for nitrogen, the Arne Zetterstrôm method for deep-sea diving.Mil Surg.(1948 Aug)
    2. ^Abraini JH, Gardette-Chauffour MC, Martinez E, Rostain JC, Lemaire CPsychophysiological reactions in humans during an open sea dive to 500 m with a hydrogen-helium-oxygen mixture.J Appl Physiol (1985).(1994 Mar)
    3. ^Johnsen HM, Hiorth M, Klaveness JMolecular Hydrogen Therapy-A Review on Clinical Studies and Outcomes.Molecules.(2023 Nov 26)
    4. ^Mohd Noor MNZ, Alauddin AS, Wong YH, Looi CY, Wong EH, Madhavan P, Yeong CHA Systematic Review of Molecular Hydrogen Therapy in Cancer Management.Asian Pac J Cancer Prev.(2023 Jan 1)
    5. ^Dhillon G, Buddhavarapu V, Grewal H, Sharma P, Verma RK, Munjal R, Devadoss R, Kashyap RHydrogen Water: Extra Healthy or a Hoax?-A Systematic Review.Int J Mol Sci.(2024 Jan 12)