Penile Girth

    Last Updated: April 29, 2017

    Penile girth refers to the (usually flaccid) thickness of penile tissue, and appears to be positively modulated by agents that interact with dopamine or blood flow. It is somewhat related to the supplementations that promote erections.

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    Examine Database: Penile Girth

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    Examine Database References

    1. Saffron - Ali Shamsa, Hossein Hosseinzadeh, Mahmood Molaei, Mohammad Taghi Shakeri, Omid RajabiEvaluation of Crocus sativus L. (saffron) on male erectile dysfunction: a pilot studyPhytomedicine.(2009 Aug)
    2. Nicotine - Harte CB, Meston CMAcute effects of nicotine on physiological and subjective sexual arousal in nonsmoking men: a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trialJ Sex Med.(2008 Jan)
    3. L-Dopa - Both S, Everaerd W, Laan E, Gooren LEffect of a single dose of levodopa on sexual response in men and womenNeuropsychopharmacology.(2005 Jan)
    4. Yohimbine - Guay AT, Spark RF, Jacobson J, Murray FT, Geisser MEYohimbine treatment of organic erectile dysfunction in a dose-escalation trialInt J Impot Res.(2002 Feb)
    5. L-Dopa - Horita H, Sato Y, Adachi H, Suzuki N, Kato R, Hisasue S, Suzuki K, Tsukamoto TEffects of levodopa on nocturnal penile tumescence: a preliminary studyJ Androl.(1998 Sep-Oct)