Serum Cobalamin

    Last Updated: August 16, 2022

    Cobalamin, also known as vitamin B12, is an essential water-soluble vitamin involved in neurology and obtained from animal-based foods. "Serum cobalamin" refers to the amount of vitamin B12 in the blood.

    examine-databaseExamine Database
    197 participants in 4 trials

    Examine Database: Serum Cobalamin

    Examine Database References

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    2. Betaine - Alfthan G, Tapani K, Nissinen K, Saarela J, Aro AThe effect of low doses of betaine on plasma homocysteine in healthy volunteersBr J Nutr.(2004 Oct)
    3. Vitamin E - Meydani SN, Meydani M, Blumberg JB, Leka LS, Pedrosa M, Diamond R, Schaefer EJAssessment of the safety of supplementation with different amounts of vitamin E in healthy older adultsAm J Clin Nutr.(1998 Aug)
    4. Betaine - Steenge GR, Verhoef P, Katan MBBetaine supplementation lowers plasma homocysteine in healthy men and womenJ Nutr.(2003 May)