Examine+ for Organizations

    Ensure your team stays on the cutting edge with the latest evidence-based health information.

    Choose Your Subscription Plan

    Examine+ keeps you on top of the latest research. Since 2011, our multidisciplinary team has been analyzing and summarizing the latest scientific research to help our readers be healthier. We have no ads, no sponsors, and no conflicts of interest. Join over 100 organizations — universities, libraries, professional sports teams, health groups, and professional associations — that leverage Examine+ to help their staff and patrons build their health and nutrition knowledge and stay at the top of their professions.

    We offer flexible, accessible solutions for teams of all sizes. Choose your plan:

    Public Libraries

    Fight public health misinformation with Examine+ for your patrons.

    • Authenticated access via EZproxy, OpenAthens, IP-based, or SIP2
    • Customized sign-up links to limit access to approved accounts
    • Easy implementation with our in-house tech team
    • Ability to customize the Examine.com site
    • Manage your users
    • Flexible and competitive pricing

    Learn more

    Academic Libraries

    Help your students learn with trusted, evidence-based health information.

    • Authenticated access via EZproxy, OpenAthens, IP-based, or SIP2
    • Customized sign-up links to limit access to approved accounts
    • Easy implementation with our in-house tech team
    • Ability to customize the Examine.com site
    • Manage your users
    • Flexible and competitive pricing

    Learn more

    Medical and Hospital Libraries

    Equip your health care team with evidence-based research that saves time, enhances clinical decision-making, and provides answers to specific patient questions.

    • Authenticated access via EZproxy, OpenAthens, IP-based, or SIP2
    • Customized sign-up links to limit access to approved accounts
    • Easy implementation with our in-house tech team
    • Ability to customize the Examine.com site
    • Manage your users
    • Flexible and competitive pricing

    Contact us to learn more or to schedule a demo.

    Contact us

    Other Organizations

    Help your staff stay at the top of their knowledge base with Examine+. All Examine+ memberships include continuing education credits at no extra charge every month.

    • Authenticated access via EZproxy, OpenAthens, IP-based, or SIP2
    • Customized sign-up links to limit access to approved accounts
    • Easy implementation with our in-house tech team
    • Ability to customize the Examine.com site
    • Manage your users
    • Flexible and competitive pricing

    Contact us to learn more or to schedule a demo.

    Contact us


    What does Examine+ unlock for my organization?

    Teams and organizations get access to everything on the site included in the Examine+ membership:

    • The Examine Database: Easy-to-understand grades for 1,000+ health outcomes from 500+ interventions and their effects on 400+ conditions and goals.
    • The Supplement Guides: Learn how to dose, time, and combine supplements for 17 of the most popular health topics.
    • Personalized Research Feed: Stay on top of the latest research you care about, summarized in digestible bites — 7 new studies are published every day!
    • Continuing Education Credits: Professionals with certifications from AND (CDR), NASM, and NSCA can earn them at no extra cost.
    • ExamineAI: An extensively tested large language model trained exclusively on Examine content that searches the site for you to quickly answer your questions.
    • Personalization features: Manage, collect, and organize pages important to you, take notes, and receive email alerts with detailed updates and information on topics of importance to you.

    Organizations with Examine+ access get prioritized email support to help you make the most out of your membership.

    Learn more here: How to use Examine or download a PDF about what Examine+ unlocks.

    How does Examine provide access?

    Examine can provide access based on IP, and can authenticate and work with EZproxy, OpenAthens, or SIP2.

    Examine can also provide customized sign-up links to limit access to only approved accounts.

    How long does it take to set up Examine+ for organizations?

    Depending on the setup method, it can be as quick as within the hour to up to two weeks.

    We have an experienced in-house web development team, own all of our content, and can customize to any technological specifications.

    Please contact Heather[at]examine.com to explore how we can customize your access according to your needs.

    How does billing work?

    We offer flexible and competitive pricing.

    Please contact Heather[at]examine.com to get a price quote.


    Check out some of our most popular guides:

    Contact Us

    Have more questions or want to schedule a demo for your team? Don’t hesitate to reach out!

    Examine+ for Organizations: Group access for libraries, academia, hospitals, and more - Examine