Rehmannia glutinosa leaf extract might reduce acne
Supramolecular salicylic acid as effective as adapalene for acne
Lifestyle factors, dietary habits, and acne risk
Can a probiotic supplement improve acne severity?
Acne and omega-3 fatty acid levels
Does whey protein increase acne in men?
Probiotics and retinoid medications for acne lesions
Salicylic acid versus benzoyl peroxide 5% for the treatment of acne
Vitamin D cream for the treatment of acne
Probiotics and azithromycin for acne
Can a low glycemic diet support acne treatment?
Acne-related quality of life: Foods to eat and to avoid
Evening primrose oil for adults treated with isotretinoin for acne
Effect of a lotion containing a fermentation product of E. faecalis CBT SL-5 on facial acne