Does chewing gum improve oral function in older adults?
Is flossing and/or mouth rinsing better than just brushing?
Herbal vs homeopathic vs. conventional toothpastes for oral acidity and bacteria counts
Probiotics and sugar stress on oral microbiota
Can milk reduce the risk of oral cancer?
Green tea mouth rinse for halitosis, tongue coating, and plaque
Dental health and hippocampal atrophy
Omega−3 fatty acids and periodontitis treatment
Use of aloe vera, probiotic, and fluoride mouthwashes with orthodontic devices
Exploring the antimicrobial effects of green tea and felty germander for oral health
Mouthwashes for the treatment of oral diseases
Are carbonated water and artificially sweetened soft drinks bad for your teeth?
Sugary foods and periodontal disease: The news isn’t very sweet
Dietary patterns and the risk of periodontal disease