How does Akarkara work?

    Last Updated: October 25, 2023

    The antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and analgesic properties of Akarkara shown in cell culture and animal experiments are likely caused by the various phytochemicals — phenols, flavonoids, tannins, and polysaccharides — identified in Anacyclus pyrethrum extracts.[1][2][3][4][5][6][7] However, determining exactly how extracts from Anacyclus pyrethrum cause the numerous documented benefits in animal experiments will only be possible if mechanistic studies are completed. Therefore, it is currently unclear exactly how Akarkara might protect against seizures,[8][6][9][10] enhance memory,[10][11] improve sperm health,[12][7] or increase libido,[13][14] as shown in animal models. Furthermore, these effects must be tested in clinical trials to demonstrate the relevance of Akarkara supplements to human health.


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    2. ^Fatima Zahra Jawhari, Abdelfattah El Moussaoui, Mohammed Bourhia, Hamada Imtara, Hamza Mechchate, Imane Es-Safi, Riaz Ullah, Essam Ezzeldin, Gamal A Mostafa, Andriy Grafov, Samir Ibenmoussa, Dalila Bousta, Amina BariAnacyclus pyrethrum (L): Chemical Composition, Analgesic, Anti-Inflammatory, and Wound Healing PropertiesMolecules.(2020 Nov 23)
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    6. ^Manouze H, Bouchatta O, Bennis M, Sokar Z, Ba-M'hamed SAnticonvulsive and neuroprotective effects of aqueous and methanolic extracts of Anacyclus pyrethrum root in kainic acid-induced-status epilepticus in mice.Epilepsy Res.(2019-Dec)
    7. ^Sharma V, Boonen J, Spiegeleer BD, Dixit VKAndrogenic and spermatogenic activity of alkylamide-rich ethanol solution extract of Anacyclus pyrethrum DC.Phytother Res.(2013-Jan)
    8. ^Manouze H, Ghestem A, Bennis M, Sokar Z, Benoliel JJ, Becker C, Ba-M'hamed S, Bernard CAntiseizure effects of Anacyclus pyrethrum in socially isolated rats with and without a positive handling strategy.Epilepsia.(2021-Oct)
    9. ^Pahuja M, Mehla J, Reeta KH, Joshi S, Gupta YKRoot extract of Anacyclus pyrethrum ameliorates seizures, seizure-induced oxidative stress and cognitive impairment in experimental animals.Epilepsy Res.(2012-Feb)
    10. ^Pahuja M, Mehla J, Reeta KH, Tripathi M, Gupta YKEffect of Anacyclus pyrethrum on pentylenetetrazole-induced kindling, spatial memory, oxidative stress and rho-kinase II expression in mice.Neurochem Res.(2013-Mar)
    11. ^Sujith K et al.Memory-enhancing activity of Anacyclus pyrethrum in albino Wistar rats.Asian Pac J Trop Dis.(2012)
    12. ^Haghmorad D, Mahmoudi MB, Haghighi P, Alidadiani P, Shahvazian E, Tavasolian P, Hosseini M, Mahmoudi MImprovement of fertility parameters with Tribulus Terrestris and Anacyclus Pyrethrum treatment in male rats.Int Braz J Urol.(2019)
    13. ^Sharma V, Thakur M, Chauhan NS, Dixit VKEffects of petroleum ether extract of Anacyclus pyrethrum DC. on sexual behavior in male rats.Zhong Xi Yi Jie He Xue Bao.(2010-Aug)
    14. ^Sharma V et al.Evaluation of the Anabolic, Aphrodisiac and Reproductive Activity of Anacyclus Pyrethrum DC in Male Rats.Sci Pharm.(2009)