What are Panax quinquefolius’s main benefits?

    Last Updated: April 4, 2024

    American ginseng shows promise in preventing certain viral upper respiratory tract infections . Evidence from randomized controlled trials using 200–400 mg twice daily of a specific American ginseng extract (CVT-E002) indicates a lower risk of developing recurrent colds as well as reduced cold or flu symptom severity in adults whether they had been vaccinated against influenza or not.[1][2][3] However, a study administering the same extract in decremental (decreasing) doses to children aged 3–12 did not yield significant results compared to a placebo. Given that this study primarily focused on safety, further research in pediatric populations is warranted to assess the efficacy of American ginseng.[4]

    Additionally, American ginseng may offer benefits for diabetes management. Oral co-administration of 3 grams per day of an American ginseng extract (CNT 2000) alongside conventional therapy for 8 weeks resulted in decreased levels of glycated hemoglobin (HbA1c) and fasting blood glucose in individuals with type 2 diabetes*.[5] However, it’s important to note that the extract used in this study may not match the composition of commercially available American ginseng supplements, necessitating further investigation before generalizing the findings.