What is apigenin?

    Last Updated: July 29, 2024

    Apigenin is a flavone (a subclass of bioflavonoids) primarily found in plants. It is frequently extracted from the plant Matricaria recutita L (chamomile), a member of the Asteraceae (daisy) family. In foods and herbs, apigenin is often found in the more stable derivative form of apigenin-7-O-glucoside.[1]

    SourceApigenin per 100 grams
    Chamomile840 mg
    Parsley215 mg
    Foxglove, coneflower, flax35 mg
    Kumquats21.87 mg
    Artichokes7.48 mg
    Passion flower, horehound, peppermint5.39 mg
    Rutabagas3.85 mg
    Marjoram3.5 mg
    Celery2.85 mg
    Oregano2.57 mg
    Sorghum2.54 mg
    Thyme2.50 mg
    Green chili peppers1.40 mg
    Yarrow1.21 mg
    Red onions0.24 mg

    Table sources[2][3][4][5][6][7]

    Apigenin is also found in beverages, such as red wine [8] and beer.[9][10]


    1. ^Smiljkovic M, Stanisavljevic D, Stojkovic D, Petrovic I, Marjanovic Vicentic J, Popovic J, Golic Grdadolnik S, Markovic D, Sankovic-Babice S, Glamoclija J, Stevanovic M, Sokovic MApigenin-7-O-glucoside versus apigenin: Insight into the modes of anticandidal and cytotoxic actions.EXCLI J.(2017)
    2. ^McKay DL, Blumberg JBA review of the bioactivity and potential health benefits of chamomile tea (Matricaria recutita L.).Phytother Res.(2006-Jul)
    3. ^Shukla S, Gupta SApigenin: a promising molecule for cancer prevention.Pharm Res.(2010-Jun)
    4. ^Manach C, Scalbert A, Morand C, Rémésy C, Jiménez LPolyphenols: food sources and bioavailabilityAm J Clin Nutr.(2004 May)
    5. ^Birt DF, Hendrich S, Wang WDietary agents in cancer prevention: flavonoids and isoflavonoids.Pharmacol Ther.(2001)
    6. ^Patel D, Shukla S, Gupta SApigenin and cancer chemoprevention: progress, potential and promise (review).Int J Oncol.(2007-Jan)
    7. ^Benetis R, Radusiene J, Janulis VVariability of phenolic compounds in flowers of Achillea millefolium wild populations in Lithuania.Medicina (Kaunas).(2008)
    8. ^Bevilacqua L, Buiarelli F, Coccioli F, Jasionowska RIdentification of compounds in wine by HPLC-tandem mass spectrometry.Ann Chim.(2004)
    9. ^Gerhäuser CBeer constituents as potential cancer chemopreventive agents.Eur J Cancer.(2005-Sep)
    10. ^David B. Haytowitz, DB, Wu, X, Bhagwat, SUSDA Database for the flavonoid content of selected foods, Release 3.3Agricultural Research Service.(2018 Mar)