How does arnica work?

    Last Updated: February 27, 2024

    Arnica contains several different compounds, but the main bioactive constituents are sesquiterpene lactones (STLs) of the helenanolide type (e.g., helenalin, 11-alpha, 13-dihydrohelenanin, and their esters). These compounds mainly work by inhibiting the activation of transcription of nuclear factor kappa B (NF-kB), a key mediator in the inflammatory process.[1][2]

    Other mechanisms of action are still not fully understood. In vitro and animal studies suggest that arnica might also have anti-microbial, antioxidant, and immunomodulatory activity. However, the current body of evidence from human (clinical) studies is insufficient.[3]


    1. ^Schmidt TJL.: Doesn't Origin Matter?Plants (Basel).(2023-Oct-11)
    2. ^Knuesel O, Weber M, Suter AArnica montana gel in osteoarthritis of the knee: an open, multicenter clinical trial.Adv Ther.(2002)
    3. ^Smith AG, Miles VN, Holmes DT, Chen X, Lei WClinical Trials, Potential Mechanisms, and Adverse Effects of Arnica as an Adjunct Medication for Pain Management.Medicines (Basel).(2021-Oct-09)