What are beta-alanine’s main benefits?

    Last Updated: October 25, 2023

    Beta-alanine improves high-intensity exercise performance in events lasting 1–10 minutes.[1] Examples of exercise that may be enhanced by beta-alanine supplementation include 400–1500 meter running and 100–400 meter swimming.

    Since beta-alanine is the limiting factor for carnosine synthesis, supplementing with beta-alanine is effective at increasing levels of carnosine in the body. Because of its role as an antioxidant, a chelator of toxic metals, and an antiglycation agent,[2] carnosine may benefit conditions such as Parkinson’s disease[3] and Alzheimer’s disease.[4] Beta-alanine and carnosine also reduce blood glucose, HbA1c, and markers of insulin resistance in individuals with diabetes or overweight/obesity.[5]

    While speculative, beta-alanine/carnosine may also have anti-aging effects, as carnosine depletion appears to be associated with aging.[6][7]


    1. ^Saunders B, Elliott-Sale K, Artioli GG, Swinton PA, Dolan E, Roschel H, Sale C, Gualano Bβ-alanine supplementation to improve exercise capacity and performance: a systematic review and meta-analysisBr J Sports Med.(2017 Apr)
    2. ^Alexander A Boldyrev, Giancarlo Aldini, Wim DeravePhysiology and pathophysiology of carnosinePhysiol Rev.(2013 Oct)
    3. ^Boldyrev A, Fedorova T, Stepanova M, Dobrotvorskaya I, Kozlova E, Boldanova N, Bagyeva G, Ivanova-Smolenskaya I, Illarioshkin SCarnosine corrected increases efficiency of DOPA therapy of Parkinson's disease: a pilot study.Rejuvenation Res.(2008-Aug)
    4. ^Hipkiss ARCould carnosine or related structures suppress Alzheimer's disease?J Alzheimers Dis.(2007-May)
    5. ^Joseph J Matthews, Eimear Dolan, Paul A Swinton, Lívia Santos, Guilherme G Artioli, Mark D Turner, Kirsty J Elliott-Sale, Craig SaleEffect of Carnosine or β-Alanine Supplementation on Markers of Glycemic Control and Insulin Resistance in Humans and Animals: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysisAdv Nutr.(2021 Jul 31)
    6. ^Derave W, Jones G, Hespel P, Harris RCCreatine supplementation augments skeletal muscle carnosine content in senescence-accelerated mice (SAMP8).Rejuvenation Res.(2008-Jun)
    7. ^S Gallant, M Semyonova, M YunevaCarnosine as a potential anti-senescence drugBiochemistry (Mosc).(2000 Jul)