Is it better to take casein before sleeping?

    Last Updated: June 4, 2024

    Taking 30 grams to 40 grams of casein 30 minutes prior to sleeping has been shown to have small but significant positive effects. It can improve muscle recovery, aid muscle protein synthesis (MPS), and may even increase metabolism.[1][2][3]

    Casein supplementation in the evening could also cause a decrease in appetite the following day, which could be a useful tool for people trying to lose weight.[4][1]

    A presleep bolus of protein (especially a slow-digesting protein like casein) can improve both body composition and athletic performance.[1] While these benefits are worth noting, it is important not to overestimate their significance. Daily calorie intake, total daily protein intake, and appropriate training are far more important in terms of body composition and performance goals.


    1. ^Jäger R, Kerksick CM, Campbell BI, Cribb PJ, Wells SD, Skwiat TM, Purpura M, Ziegenfuss TN, Ferrando AA, Arent SM, Smith-Ryan AE, Stout JR, Arciero PJ, Ormsbee MJ, Taylor LW, Wilborn CD, Kalman DS, Kreider RB, Willoughby DS, Hoffman JR, Krzykowski JL, Antonio JInternational Society of Sports Nutrition Position Stand: protein and exerciseJ Int Soc Sports Nutr.(2017 Jun 20)
    2. ^Res PT, Groen B, Pennings B, Beelen M, Wallis GA, Gijsen AP, Senden JM, VAN Loon LJProtein ingestion before sleep improves postexercise overnight recoveryMed Sci Sports Exerc.(2012 Aug)
    3. ^Kim JPre-sleep casein protein ingestion: new paradigm in post-exercise recovery nutrition.Phys Act Nutr.(2020-Jun-30)
    4. ^Justin Dela Cruz, David KahanPre-Sleep Casein Supplementation, Metabolism, and Appetite: A Systematic ReviewNutrients.(2021 May 30)