What are other names for Clove?
- Clove
- Syzygium Aromaticum
- cloves
Clove (Syzygium aromaticum) is a spice that has traditional usage as an aphrodisiac as well as for dental disorders, respiratory disorders, headache, and sore throat.
Clove is most often used for Men’s Health.
Clove is most often used for Men’s Health.
Children who needed local anesthesia injection for dental treatment received 1 of 4 topically applied anesthetic agents before the injection (i.e., lignocaine gel, clove gel, ice, or betel leaf extract gel). The researchers were mostly interested in the effects of betel leaf extract gel because this agent had not yet been examined in clinical trials. Both subjective and objective pain perception were the lowest with lignocaine gel, and all other agents exhibited almost identical anesthetic effects.