What are DHEA’s main benefits?

    Last Updated: January 13, 2024

    The strongest evidence for DHEA is for increasing estrogens and androgens (e.g., testosterone) in women over 60, and for improving postmenopausal symptoms.[1][2][3] However, DHEA might also increase testosterone levels in younger (<60 years old) populations.[1] While the evidence that DHEA supplementation increases androgens is fairly consistent,[4][3][5][6] the evidence that DHEA supplementation increases estrogens is as consistent, if not more so.[3][5][6] However, these androgen and estrogen increases tend to be small; DHEA supplementation has had no clinical effect on muscle strength, muscle size, fat loss,[7][8][9] or sexual function in older men.[5]


    1. ^Li Y, Ren J, Li N, Liu J, Tan SC, Low TY, Ma ZA dose-response and meta-analysis of dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) supplementation on testosterone levels: perinatal prediction of randomized clinical trials.Exp Gerontol.(2020-Nov)
    2. ^Hu Y, Wan P, An X, Jiang GImpact of dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) supplementation on testosterone concentrations and BMI in elderly women: A meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials.Complement Ther Med.(2021-Jan)
    3. ^Paul Merritt, Bethany Stangl, Elliot Hirshman, Joseph VerbalisAdministration of dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) increases serum levels of androgens and estrogens but does not enhance short-term memory in post-menopausal womenBrain Res.(2012 Nov 5)
    4. ^Collomp K, Buisson C, Gravisse N, Belgherbi S, Labsy Z, Do MC, Gagey O, Dufay S, Vibarel-Rebot N, Audran MEffects of short-term DHEA intake on hormonal responses in young recreationally trained athletes: modulation by gender.Endocrine.(2018-Mar)
    5. ^Giovanni Corona, Giulia Rastrelli, Vito A Giagulli, Annamaria Sila, Alessandra Sforza, Gianni Forti, Edoardo Mannucci, Mario MaggiDehydroepiandrosterone supplementation in elderly men: a meta-analysis study of placebo-controlled trialsJ Clin Endocrinol Metab.(2013 Sep)
    6. ^W Arlt, J Haas, F Callies, M Reincke, D Hübler, M Oettel, M Ernst, H M Schulte, B AllolioBiotransformation of oral dehydroepiandrosterone in elderly men: significant increase in circulating estrogensJ Clin Endocrinol Metab.(1999 Jun)
    7. ^Beaudart C, Rabenda V, Simmons M, Geerinck A, Araujo De Carvalho I, Reginster JY, Amuthavalli Thiyagarajan J, Bruyère OEffects of Protein, Essential Amino Acids, B-Hydroxy B-Methylbutyrate, Creatine, Dehydroepiandrosterone and Fatty Acid Supplementation on Muscle Mass, Muscle Strength and Physical Performance in Older People Aged 60 Years and Over. A Systematic Review on the Literature.J Nutr Health Aging.(2018)
    8. ^Baker WL, Karan S, Kenny AMEffect of dehydroepiandrosterone on muscle strength and physical function in older adults: a systematic review.J Am Geriatr Soc.(2011-Jun)
    9. ^Wang F, He Y, O Santos H, Sathian B, C Price J, Diao JThe effects of dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) supplementation on body composition and blood pressure: A meta-analysis of randomized clinical trials.Steroids.(2020-Nov)