What are evening primrose oil’s main benefits?

    Last Updated: November 28, 2023

    EPO has been used to improve cervical ripening/softness in preparation for childbirth. Current research does suggest that EPO (particularly when given vaginally) may improve Bishop scores — the gold standard assessment tool for predicting the success of labor induction — and may have comparable effects to the medication misoprostol.[1][2][3][4] Some research has reported reductions in labor time and the rate of cesarean section with EPO use, but these findings are less consistent.[3] Currently, there is no established dosing and large clinical trials are needed to properly assess the safety and efficacy of EPO in this context. Potential side effects that have been reported will be discussed in the following section.


    1. ^Wormer KC, Bauer A, Williford AEBishop ScoreStatPearls.(2023-01)
    2. ^Shahinfar S, Abedi P, Jahanfar S, Khajehpoor M, Chashmyazdan MThe effect of evening primrose oil on cervical ripening and birth outcomes: A systematic review and meta-analysis.Heliyon.(2023-Feb)
    3. ^Hemmatzadeh S, Mohammad Alizadeh Charandabi S, Veisy A, Mirghafourvand MEvening primrose oil for cervical ripening in term pregnancies: a systematic review and meta-analysis.J Complement Integr Med.(2023-Jun-01)
    4. ^Shahraki AD, Mirhoseini S, Movahedi M, Hajihashemy M, Haghollahi FComparative Study of the Effect of Vaginal use of Primrose Oil with Misoprostol on Cervical Preparation of Prim Gravid Women: A Double-blind Clinical Trial.Adv Biomed Res.(2023)