What is N-phenylacetyl-L-prolylglycine ethyl ester (Noopept)?

    Last Updated: October 25, 2023

    N-phenylacetyl-L-prolylglycine ethyl ester, or Noopept, is a synthetic pharmaceutical designed by a Russian pharmaceutical company. It is sometimes called a nootropic, based on preliminary evidence that it has neuroprotective and cognitive enhancing properties.[1][2][3] Noopept was designed using the structure of piracetam, another nootropic, as a starting point.[4]


    1. ^Ostrovskaia RU, Gudasheva TA, Voronina TA, Seredenin SBThe original novel nootropic and neuroprotective agent noopept.Eksp Klin Farmakol.(2002)
    2. ^Ostrovskaya RU, Vakhitova YV, Kuzmina USh, Salimgareeva MKh, Zainullina LF, Gudasheva TA, Vakhitov VA, Seredenin SBNeuroprotective effect of novel cognitive enhancer noopept on AD-related cellular model involves the attenuation of apoptosis and tau hyperphosphorylation.J Biomed Sci.(2014-Aug-06)
    3. ^Vakhitova YV, Sadovnikov SV, Borisevich SS, Ostrovskaya RU, A Gudasheva T, Seredenin SBMolecular Mechanism Underlying the Action of Substituted Pro-Gly Dipeptide Noopept.Acta Naturae.(2016)
    4. ^Gudasheva TA, Skoldinov APDesign of the novel dipeptide neuropsychotropic drug preparations.Eksp Klin Farmakol.(2003)