What is saffron?

    Last Updated: March 18, 2024

    Saffron (Crocus sativus L.) is a flowering plant in the iris family used in various domains for its taste, aroma, pigment, and medicinal properties. Saffron, sometimes called “red gold”, is the most expensive spice in the world and is produced predominantly in Iran.[1] The most prized part of the saffron plant is the dried red stigmas, which contain over 150 bioactive compounds including carotenoids (crocin, crocetin), terpenes (picrocrocin, safranol), and many other phytochemicals.[2]


    1. ^Sadat Rafiei SK, Abolghasemi S, Frashidi M, Ebrahimi S, Gharei F, Razmkhah Z, Tavousi N, Mahmoudvand B, Faani M, Karimi N, Abdi A, Soleimanzadeh M, Ahmadpour Youshanlui M, Sadatmadani SF, Alikhani R, Pishkari Y, Deravi NSaffron and Sleep Quality: A Systematic Review of Randomized Controlled Trials.Nutr Metab Insights.(2023)
    2. ^Cerdá-Bernad D, Costa L, Serra AT, Bronze MR, Valero-Cases E, Pérez-Llamas F, Candela ME, Arnao MB, Barberán FT, Villalba RG, García-Conesa MT, Frutos MJSaffron against Neuro-Cognitive Disorders: An Overview of Its Main Bioactive Compounds, Their Metabolic Fate and Potential Mechanisms of Neurological Protection.Nutrients.(2022 Dec 17)