
    Last Updated: October 13, 2024

    Sulbutiamine is a synthetic molecule which consists of two Thiamine (Vitamin B1) molecules bound together by a sulfur group, and appears to be somewhat useful in alleviating fatigue; especially that associated with infection.

    What are other names for Sulbutiamine?

    Note that Sulbutiamine is also known as:
    • Arcalion
    • Enerion
    • Bisibuthiamine
    • Youvitan
    Sulbutiamine should not be confused with:
    • Sibutramine (a pharmaceutical appetite suppressant)

    Dosage information

    Human studies using sulbutiamine supplementation have used 400mg daily. It is not clear if this is near the optimal dosage, and an ideal dosing regimen (with or without meals and how many divided doses a day) is not currently known.

    Research Breakdown