Have any supplements been studied for infantile colic?

    Last Updated: October 25, 2023

    Probiotics, particularly Lactobacillus reuteri, have some of the strongest research for colic, with overall research quality ranging from low to high.[1][2][3][4][5][6][7][8][9][10] Generally, these studies gave probiotics to the mother during pregnancy and to the infant after birth.[1] No serious adverse events were reported.[1][11]

    Fennel may be effective. In one study, fennel reduced total crying time by 72 minutes per day on average.[9] In another study, 65% of the participants taking 0.1% fennel seed oil resolved their colic, compared to 24% in the control group.[12] Evidence was rated as moderate quality.[13]

    Sucrose was found in one study to reduce infant crying time by 101 minutes per day on average.[14] However, the evidence for this has been rated as very low quality.[13]

    A trial combining fennel, chamomile, lemon balm, vitamin b1, vitamin b5, and vitamin b6 reduced crying time in infants with colic in the supplement group by 124 minutes, versus a reduction of 29 minutes in the placebo group.[15] The evidence for this was also rated as very low quality.[16]

    No serious adverse events were reported for these supplements in colic.[13]


    1. ^Ong TG, Gordon M, Banks SS, Thomas MR, Akobeng AKProbiotics to prevent infantile colic.Cochrane Database Syst Rev.(2019-Mar-13)
    2. ^Underwood MAShould we treat every infant with a probiotic?Minerva Pediatr.(2019-Jun)
    3. ^Skonieczna-Żydecka K, Janda K, Kaczmarczyk M, Marlicz W, Łoniewski I, Łoniewska BThe Effect of Probiotics on Symptoms, Gut Microbiota and Inflammatory Markers in Infantile Colic: A Systematic Review, Meta-Analysis and Meta-Regression of Randomized Controlled Trials.J Clin Med.(2020-Apr-02)
    4. ^Liu Y, Ma D, Wang X, Fang YProbiotics in the treatment of infantile colic: a meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials.Nutr Hosp.(2022-Oct-17)
    5. ^Sung V, D'Amico F, Cabana MD, Chau K, Koren G, Savino F, Szajewska H, Deshpande G, Dupont C, Indrio F, Mentula S, Partty A, Tancredi Dto Treat Infant Colic: A Meta-analysis.Pediatrics.(2018-Jan)
    6. ^Dryl R, Szajewska HProbiotics for management of infantile colic: a systematic review of randomized controlled trials.Arch Med Sci.(2018-Aug)
    7. ^Dos Reis Buzzo Zermiani AP, de Paula Soares ALPP, da Silva Guedes de Moura BL, Miguel ERA, Lopes LDG, de Carvalho Scharf Santana N, da Silva Santos T, Demarchi IG, Teixeira JJEvidence of Lactobacillus reuteri to reduce colic in breastfed babies: Systematic review and meta-analysis.Complement Ther Med.(2021-Dec)
    8. ^F Savino, S Ceratto, E Poggi, M E Cartosio, L Cordero di Montezemolo, A GiannattasioPreventive effects of oral probiotic on infantile colic: a prospective, randomised, blinded, controlled trial using Lactobacillus reuteri DSM 17938Benef Microbes.(2015)
    9. ^Tracy Harb, Misa Matsuyama, Michael David, Rebecca J HillInfant Colic-What works: A Systematic Review of Interventions for Breast-fed InfantsJ Pediatr Gastroenterol Nutr.(2016 May)
    10. ^, Lavalle L, Sauvageot N, Cercamondi CI, Egli D, Jankovic I, Vandenplas YInfant feeding practice and gastrointestinal tolerance: a real-world, multi-country, cross-sectional observational study.BMC Pediatr.(2022-Dec-14)
    11. ^Ellwood J, Draper-Rodi J, Carnes DComparison of common interventions for the treatment of infantile colic: a systematic review of reviews and guidelines.BMJ Open.(2020-Feb-25)
    12. ^Irina Alexandrovich, Olga Rakovitskaya, Elena Kolmo, Tatyana Sidorova, Sergei ShushunovThe effect of fennel (Foeniculum Vulgare) seed oil emulsion in infantile colic: a randomized, placebo-controlled studyAltern Ther Health Med.(2003 Jul-Aug)
    13. ^Biagioli E, Tarasco V, Lingua C, Moja L, Savino FPain-relieving agents for infantile colic.Cochrane Database Syst Rev.(2016-Sep-16)
    14. ^Arikan D, Alp H, Gözüm S, Orbak Z, Cifçi EKEffectiveness of massage, sucrose solution, herbal tea or hydrolysed formula in the treatment of infantile colic.J Clin Nurs.(2008-Jul)
    15. ^Savino F, Cresi F, Castagno E, Silvestro L, Oggero RA randomized double-blind placebo-controlled trial of a standardized extract of Matricariae recutita, Foeniculum vulgare and Melissa officinalis (ColiMil) in the treatment of breastfed colicky infants.Phytother Res.(2005-Apr)
    16. ^Gordon M, Biagioli E, Sorrenti M, Lingua C, Moja L, Banks SS, Ceratto S, Savino FDietary modifications for infantile colic.Cochrane Database Syst Rev.(2018-Oct-10)