Are there any other treatments for coronary artery disease?




    Last Updated: October 25, 2023

    Exercise can play a big role in preventing CAD[1] and also can help people who have CAD improve their health.[2] Guidelines suggest that the role of resistance training in preventing CAD is unclear, but resistance training is still encouraged.[1]


    1. ^Donna K Arnett, Roger S Blumenthal, Michelle A Albert, Andrew B Buroker, Zachary D Goldberger, Ellen J Hahn, Cheryl Dennison Himmelfarb, Amit Khera, Donald Lloyd-Jones, J William McEvoy, Erin D Michos, Michael D Miedema, Daniel Muñoz, Sidney C Smith Jr, Salim S Virani, Kim A Williams Sr, Joseph Yeboah, Boback Ziaeian2019 ACC/AHA Guideline on the Primary Prevention of Cardiovascular Disease: A Report of the American College of Cardiology/American Heart Association Task Force on Clinical Practice GuidelinesCirculation.(2019 Sep 10)
    2. ^Grace Dibben, James Faulkner, Neil Oldridge, Karen Rees, David R Thompson, Ann-Dorthe Zwisler, Rod S TaylorExercise-based cardiac rehabilitation for coronary heart diseaseCochrane Database Syst Rev.(2021 Nov 6)