How does stress contribute to Coronary Artery Disease?

    Last Updated: October 25, 2023

    Chronic stress is implicated in the development and progression of CAD over time, and acute bouts of stress can trigger rapid progression of CAD or the underlying atherosclerosis.[1] When your fight-or-flight response is dialed up constantly, it can increase white blood cells called leukocytes, which play a direct role in advancing atherosclerosis and increase inflammation throughout the body and the inflammation of the clogged arteries.[2] Acute and chronic stress raises blood pressure — which encourages atherosclerosis — and acute stress can precipitate a blockage of the heart (A.K.A. thrombosis) leading to decreased blood flow, reduced oxygenation, and damage to the heart itself. [3] Meditation and interventions to lower stress may reduce the risk of getting CAD in the first place, as well as reducing downstream effects of CAD like stroke and heart attacks.[4][5]


    1. ^Kivimäki M, Steptoe AEffects of stress on the development and progression of cardiovascular disease.Nat Rev Cardiol.(2018-04)
    2. ^Libby P, Nahrendorf M, Swirski FKLeukocytes Link Local and Systemic Inflammation in Ischemic Cardiovascular Disease: An Expanded "Cardiovascular Continuum".J Am Coll Cardiol.(2016-Mar-08)
    3. ^Vaccarino V, Almuwaqqat Z, Kim JH, Hammadah M, Shah AJ, Ko YA, Elon L, Sullivan S, Shah A, Alkhoder A, Lima BB, Pearce B, Ward L, Kutner M, Hu Y, Lewis TT, Garcia EV, Nye J, Sheps DS, Raggi P, Bremner JD, Quyyumi AAAssociation of Mental Stress-Induced Myocardial Ischemia With Cardiovascular Events in Patients With Coronary Heart Disease.JAMA.(2021-11-09)
    4. ^Schneider RH, Grim CE, Rainforth MV, Kotchen T, Nidich SI, Gaylord-King C, Salerno JW, Kotchen JM, Alexander CNStress reduction in the secondary prevention of cardiovascular disease: randomized, controlled trial of transcendental meditation and health education in Blacks.Circ Cardiovasc Qual Outcomes.(2012-Nov)
    5. ^Levine GN, Lange RA, Bairey-Merz CN, Davidson RJ, Jamerson K, Mehta PK, Michos ED, Norris K, Ray IB, Saban KL, Shah T, Stein R, Smith SC,Meditation and Cardiovascular Risk Reduction: A Scientific Statement From the American Heart Association.J Am Heart Assoc.(2017-Sep-28)