Is male-pattern baldness inherited from the mother’s side?

    Last Updated: October 25, 2023

    It is sometimes believed that male-pattern baldness is inherited only from the mother’s side and not from the father's side. In reality, existing research shows quite clearly that genetic susceptibility to male-pattern baldness is determined by genes inherited from one’s mother and father.[1][2] It’s possible this myth of maternal-specific inheritance of hair loss comes from the fact that the X chromosome (which, for biological males, comes entirely from the mother’s side) carries the androgen receptor (AR) gene and mutations to this gene are known to have a major impact on the risk of male-pattern baldness. However, genes carried on autosomes (i.e., from both parents) seem to have a larger cumulative effect on hair loss than those from the X chromosome.


    1. ^Liu F, Hamer MA, Heilmann S, Herold C, Moebus S, Hofman A, Uitterlinden AG, Nöthen MM, van Duijn CM, Nijsten TE, Kayser MPrediction of male-pattern baldness from genotypes.Eur J Hum Genet.(2016-06)
    2. ^Hagenaars SP, Hill WD, Harris SE, Ritchie SJ, Davies G, Liewald DC, Gale CR, Porteous DJ, Deary IJ, Marioni REGenetic prediction of male pattern baldness.PLoS Genet.(2017-02)