Research FeedRead all studies
Does caffeine or glucose improve endurance at high altitudes?
Supplemental oxygen may improve cognitive performance at high altitudes
Does D-aspartic acid enhance the adaptations to hypoxic training?
Examine Database References
- Exercise Performance During Hypoxia - Evi Masschelein, Ruud Van Thienen, Xu Wang, Ann Van Schepdael, Martine Thomis, Peter HespelDietary nitrate improves muscle but not cerebral oxygenation status during exercise in hypoxiaJ Appl Physiol (1985).(2012 Sep 1)
- Muscular Endurance - Chiu CH, Chen CC, Ali A, Wu SL, Wu CLThe Effect of Pre-Exercise Caffeine and Glucose Ingestion on Endurance Capacity in Hypoxia: A Double-Blind Crossover Trial.Nutrients.(2024 Oct 25)