Have any supplements been studied for hyperthyroidism?

    Last Updated: October 25, 2023

    Calcium and calcitriol (a form of vitamin D) may be supplemented if a person is experiencing hypocalcemia (low blood calcium levels) after a thyroidectomy. Other supplements that have been studied are L-carnitine and selenium. In some cases, biotin supplementation can falsely elevate thyroid hormone levels, so it's recommended to stop biotin supplementation for two days before testing.[1][2]


    1. ^Benvenga S, Feldt-Rasmussen U, Bonofiglio D, Asamoah ENutraceutical Supplements in the Thyroid Setting: Health Benefits beyond Basic Nutrition.Nutrients.(2019-Sep-13)
    2. ^Ross DS, Burch HB, Cooper DS, Greenlee MC, Laurberg P, Maia AL, Rivkees SA, Samuels M, Sosa JA, Stan MN, Walter MA2016 American Thyroid Association Guidelines for Diagnosis and Management of Hyperthyroidism and Other Causes of Thyrotoxicosis.Thyroid.(2016-Oct)