Are there any other treatments for menopause?

    Last Updated: January 13, 2024

    Exercise like yoga may be particularly helpful for vasomotor and psychological symptoms.[1] Strength and resistance training are especially important for maintaining muscle mass and bone mineral density, especially when combined with high-impact exercises like jumping, skipping, and jogging.[2]


    1. ^M Shepherd-Banigan, K M Goldstein, R R Coeytaux, J R McDuffie, A P Goode, A S Kosinski, M G Van Noord, D Befus, S Adam, V Masilamani, A Nagi, J W Williams JrImproving vasomotor symptoms; psychological symptoms; and health-related quality of life in peri- or post-menopausal women through yoga: An umbrella systematic review and meta-analysisComplement Ther Med.(2017 Oct)
    2. ^M Martyn-St James, S CarrollA meta-analysis of impact exercise on postmenopausal bone loss: the case for mixed loading exercise programmesBr J Sports Med.(2009 Dec)