What are the main signs and symptoms of mild cognitive impairment?

    Last Updated: October 25, 2023

    People with mild cognitive impairment may lose things with increasing regularity, find it hard to make decisions and judgments, or notice increasing difficulty with language and remembering appointments and recent events. These symptoms are often also noticed by their friends and family. People with such symptoms should ask their doctor to test for signs that help identify the cause. This is important because some causes of mild cognitive impairment are unrelated to dementia and are treatable.[1][2][3]

    The signs of mild cognitive impairment include impaired memory, poor task completion, impaired nerve reflexes, and problems with movement, coordination, and balance.[1][2][3]


    1. ^Marilyn S Albert, Steven T DeKosky, Dennis Dickson, Bruno Dubois, Howard H Feldman, Nick C Fox, Anthony Gamst, David M Holtzman, William J Jagust, Ronald C Petersen, Peter J Snyder, Maria C Carrillo, Bill Thies, Creighton H PhelpsThe diagnosis of mild cognitive impairment due to Alzheimer's disease: recommendations from the National Institute on Aging-Alzheimer's Association workgroups on diagnostic guidelines for Alzheimer's diseaseAlzheimers Dement.(2011 May)
    2. ^Frederiksen KS, Nielsen TR, Winblad B, Schmidt R, Kramberger MG, Jones RW, Hort J, Grimmer T, Georges J, Frölich L, Engelborghs S, Dubois B, Waldemar GEuropean Academy of Neurology/European Alzheimer's Disease Consortium position statement on diagnostic disclosure, biomarker counseling, and management of patients with mild cognitive impairment.Eur J Neurol.(2021-Jul)
    3. ^Ronald C Petersen, Oscar Lopez, Melissa J Armstrong, Thomas S D Getchius, Mary Ganguli, David Gloss, Gary S Gronseth, Daniel Marson, Tamara Pringsheim, Gregory S Day, Mark Sager, James Stevens, Alexander Rae-GrantPractice guideline update summary: Mild cognitive impairment: Report of the Guideline Development, Dissemination, and Implementation Subcommittee of the American Academy of NeurologyNeurology.(2018 Jan 16)