Have any supplements been studied for Parkinson’s disease?

    Last Updated: October 25, 2023

    The mechanisms driving the loss of dopamine neurons in the brain of people with Parkinson’s disease are not well-understood. However, excess generation of reactive oxygen species (ROS),[1][2] inflammation, and mitochondrial dysfunction are common themes in the pathology.[3] Many of the supplements researched for their possible therapeutic effects in experimental models and in clinical trials affect one or more of these pathological mechanisms.[4][5]

    The following supplements have been studied in people with Parkinson’s disease:


    1. ^Jenner POxidative stress in Parkinson's disease.Ann Neurol.(2003)
    2. ^Blesa J, Trigo-Damas I, Quiroga-Varela A, Jackson-Lewis VROxidative stress and Parkinson's disease.Front Neuroanat.(2015)
    3. ^Polito AJ, DiNello RK, Quan S, Andrews W, Rose J, Lee F, Nelles M, Lee SNew-generation RIBA hepatitis C strip immunoblot assays.Beitr Infusionsther.(1992)
    4. ^Chao J, Leung Y, Wang M, Chang RCNutraceuticals and their preventive or potential therapeutic value in Parkinson's disease.Nutr Rev.(2012-Jul)
    5. ^Ciulla M, Marinelli L, Cacciatore I, Stefano ADRole of Dietary Supplements in the Management of Parkinson's Disease.Biomolecules.(2019-Jul-10)
    6. ^Liu H, Zhang Y, Zhang H, Wang L, Wang T, Han Z, Wu L, Liu GEffect of plasma vitamin C levels on Parkinson's disease and age at onset: a Mendelian randomization study.J Transl Med.(2021-May-24)
    7. ^Ide K, Yamada H, Umegaki K, Mizuno K, Kawakami N, Hagiwara Y, Matsumoto M, Yoshida H, Kim K, Shiosaki E, Yokochi T, Harada KLymphocyte vitamin C levels as potential biomarker for progression of Parkinson's disease.Nutrition.(2015-Feb)
    8. ^Schirinzi T, Martella G, Imbriani P, Di Lazzaro G, Franco D, Colona VL, Alwardat M, Sinibaldi Salimei P, Mercuri NB, Pierantozzi M, Pisani ADietary Vitamin E as a Protective Factor for Parkinson's Disease: Clinical and Experimental Evidence.Front Neurol.(2019)
    9. ^Suzuki M, Yoshioka M, Hashimoto M, Murakami M, Noya M, Takahashi D, Urashima MRandomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial of vitamin D supplementation in Parkinson disease.Am J Clin Nutr.(2013-May)
    10. ^Zhu ZG, Sun MX, Zhang WL, Wang WW, Jin YM, Xie CLThe efficacy and safety of coenzyme Q10 in Parkinson's disease: a meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials.Neurol Sci.(2017-Feb)
    11. ^Bender A, Koch W, Elstner M, Schombacher Y, Bender J, Moeschl M, Gekeler F, Müller-Myhsok B, Gasser T, Tatsch K, Klopstock TCreatine supplementation in Parkinson disease: a placebo-controlled randomized pilot trialNeurology.(2006 Oct 10)
    12. ^da Silva TM, Munhoz RP, Alvarez C, Naliwaiko K, Kiss A, Andreatini R, Ferraz ACDepression in Parkinson's disease: a double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled pilot study of omega-3 fatty-acid supplementation.J Affect Disord.(2008-Dec)
    13. ^Donadio V, Incensi A, Rizzo G, Fileccia E, Ventruto F, Riva A, Tiso D, Recchia M, Vacchiano V, Infante R, Petrangolini G, Allegrini P, Avino S, Pantieri R, Mostacci B, Avoni P, Liguori RThe Effect of Curcumin on Idiopathic Parkinson Disease: A Clinical and Skin Biopsy Study.J Neuropathol Exp Neurol.(2022-Jun-20)
    14. ^Tosukhowong P, Boonla C, Dissayabutra T, Kaewwilai L, Muensri S, Chotipanich C, Joutsa J, Rinne J, Bhidayasiri RBiochemical and clinical effects of Whey protein supplementation in Parkinson's disease: A pilot study.J Neurol Sci.(2016-Aug-15)
    15. ^Monti DA, Zabrecky G, Kremens D, Liang TW, Wintering NA, Bazzan AJ, Zhong L, Bowens BK, Chervoneva I, Intenzo C, Newberg ABN-Acetyl Cysteine Is Associated With Dopaminergic Improvement in Parkinson's Disease.Clin Pharmacol Ther.(2019-Oct)