What are the risk factors for peripheral arterial disease?

    Last Updated: October 25, 2023

    The risk of peripheral arterial disease increases with age [1] and is greater in people who have atherosclerotic disease (narrowing or blockage of an artery) in another region of the body besides the legs.[2] People with obesity or diabetes also have an increased risk of peripheral arterial disease. Additionally, there are several modifiable risk factors, including smoking, physical inactivity, high blood lipid concentrations (total cholesterol and triglycerides), and high blood pressure.[1][3][2][4] Additionally, there are genetic risk factors, meaning that peripheral arterial disease is not only driven by lifestyle but is also inheritable.[5][6][7][8]


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    7. ^Wahlgren CM, Magnusson PKGenetic influences on peripheral arterial disease in a twin population.Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol.(2011-Mar)
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