Does aspartame cause headaches?

    Last Updated: April 4, 2024

    Some case studies of individual people have reported headaches or migraine occurring after aspartame ingestion.[1][2][3] Furthermore, the Center for Disease Control (CDC) found that 67% (346/517) of people submitting a complaint about aspartame reported neurological/behavioral symptoms, including headaches, dizziness, and mood alterations after consuming aspartame-containing products.[4] Therefore, headaches are among the complaints about aspartame, but neither the data from the CDC nor observations from isolated case studies prove that aspartame causes headaches in all people.

    To explore whether there is a causal link between aspartame and headaches, some randomized controlled trials have been completed. They show that the incidence of headaches after a single dose of aspartame does not differ from that after a placebo.[5] Meanwhile, daily administration of aspartame has increased headache frequency in some[6][7] but not all studies.[8] However, it is important to note that these studies include a small number of participants and the quality of their design and statistical approaches have been debated.[9][10][11]

    Consequently, the low number of case studies and complaints suggests that aspartame-associated headaches are rare in the general population, and it is currently unclear whether aspartame consumption directly causes headaches or not. Further high-quality clinical trials would help remedy that lack of clarity. In the meantime, people who are susceptible to headaches following consumption of aspartame or aspartame-containing foods can choose to avoid such products.


    1. ^Johns DRMigraine provoked by aspartame.N Engl J Med.(1986-Aug-14)
    2. ^Jacob SE, Stechschulte SFormaldehyde, aspartame, and migraines: a possible connection.Dermatitis.(2008)
    3. ^Newman LC, Lipton RBMigraine MLT-down: an unusual presentation of migraine in patients with aspartame-triggered headaches.Headache.(2001-Oct)
    4. ^Centers for Disease Control (CDC)Evaluation of consumer complaints related to aspartame use.MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep.(1984 Nov 2)
    5. ^Schiffman SS, Buckley CE, Sampson HA, Massey EW, Baraniuk JN, Follett JV, Warwick ZSAspartame and susceptibility to headache.N Engl J Med.(1987-Nov-05)
    6. ^Koehler SM, Glaros AThe effect of aspartame on migraine headache.Headache.(1988-Feb)
    7. ^Van den Eeden SK, Koepsell TD, Longstreth WT, van Belle G, Daling JR, McKnight BAspartame ingestion and headaches: a randomized crossover trial.Neurology.(1994-Oct)
    8. ^Lindseth GN, Coolahan SE, Petros TV, Lindseth PDNeurobehavioral effects of aspartame consumption.Res Nurs Health.(2014-Jun)
    9. ^Schiffman SAspartame and headache.Neurology.(1995-Aug)
    10. ^Roberts HJAspartame and headache.Neurology.(1995-Aug)
    11. ^Levy PS, Hedeker D, Sanders PGAspartame and headache.Neurology.(1995-Aug)