Is yerba mate beneficial for exercise?

    Last Updated: September 5, 2024

    Yerba mate’s unique blend of bioactive compounds, like antioxidants and caffeine, have made it a candidate as a potential ergogenic aid. While yerba mate seems to influence the body’s ability to turn fat into energy during exercise, its effects on exercise performance and recovery require more research.

    Consuming yerba mate capsules an hour before exercise seems to consistently increase fat oxidation during submaximal (<70% VO2max) exercise in active men and women.[1][2][3] However, current research has reported little to no benefit on overall exercise performance. While one randomized controlled trial (RCT) in trained male cyclists reported minor increases in performance and power output,[2] several other RCTs in active individuals failed to find any effect on perceived exertion, muscle strength, or power output.[1][4][5][3] The caffeine content of the yerba mate in all the studies was below what is generally considered an ergogenic dose.[6]

    Interestingly, one study in men reported that yerba mate tea taken for a week before an exercise test enhanced strength recovery 24 hours after eccentric exercise (but not after 48 or 72 hours). This effect was proposed to be due to the antioxidant effect of yerba mate and was accompanied by increased plasma levels of glutathione and polyphenols before and after exercise.[5]


    1. ^Alkhatib A, Atcheson RYerba Maté (Ilex paraguariensis) Metabolic, Satiety, and Mood State Effects at Rest and during Prolonged Exercise.Nutrients.(2017 Aug 15)
    2. ^Areta JL, Austarheim I, Wangensteen H, Capelli CMetabolic and Performance Effects of Yerba Mate on Well-trained Cyclists.Med Sci Sports Exerc.(2018-04)
    3. ^Alkhatib AYerba Maté (Illex Paraguariensis) ingestion augments fat oxidation and energy expenditure during exercise at various submaximal intensitiesNutr Metab (Lond).(2014 Sep 2)
    4. ^Patrícia C B Lobo, Débora D da Silva, Gustavo D PimentelAcute Supplementation of Yerba Mate Extract Did Not Change Muscle Strength in Physically Active Men Following the Strength Muscle Test: A Pilot Clinical TrialNutrients.(2022 Jun 24)
    5. ^Panza VP, Diefenthaeler F, Tamborindeguy AC, Camargo Cde Q, de Moura BM, Brunetta HS, Sakugawa RL, de Oliveira MV, Puel Ede O, Nunes EA, da Silva ELEffects of mate tea consumption on muscle strength and oxidative stress markers after eccentric exercise.Br J Nutr.(2016-Apr)
    6. ^Nanci S Guest, Trisha A VanDusseldorp, Michael T Nelson, Jozo Grgic, Brad J Schoenfeld, Nathaniel D M Jenkins, Shawn M Arent, Jose Antonio, Jeffrey R Stout, Eric T Trexler, Abbie E Smith-Ryan, Erica R Goldstein, Douglas S Kalman, Bill I CampbellInternational society of sports nutrition position stand: caffeine and exercise performanceJ Int Soc Sports Nutr.(2021 Jan 2)