Bioactive Testosterone

    Last Updated: September 25, 2022

    Bioactive (or bioavailable) testosterone is the testosterone in your bloodstream which can be used by the body. Specifically, free testosterone and loosely bound testosterone are considered bioactive, whereas tightly bound testosterone is not.

    332 participants in 1 trial

    Examine Database: Bioactive Testosterone

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    Examine Database References

    1. Vitamin D - Armin Zittermann, Jana B Ernst, Sylvana Prokop, Uwe Fuchs, Jens Dreier, Joachim Kuhn, Cornelius Knabbe, Heiner K Berthold, Ioanna Gouni-Berthold, Jan F Gummert, Jochen Börgermann, Stefan PilzVitamin D supplementation does not prevent the testosterone decline in males with advanced heart failure: the EVITA trialEur J Nutr.(2019 Mar)